Organize online workshops effectively
Workshops can be important tools for multiple purposes, such as designing learning and development interventions mapping needs for services planning careers or personal development goals
Workshops can be important tools for multiple purposes, such as designing learning and development interventions mapping needs for services planning careers or personal development goals
The price tag of an LMS may be misleading. There are often hidden costs that may be difficult to factor in when comparing software products
Providing high-quality job onboarding for new employees is a challenge at best. When a lot of work is done in small teams, in multiple shifts,
Artificial intelligence (AI) and chatbots are unlocking exciting possibilities in higher education and work-based learning. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize real-time tutoring while
There are many reasons to invest into human resources and training in your organization. If you don’t believe us, see in our blog some convincing
Video for an online course is an essential tool for learning. Producing videos is now easier than it has ever been. They are also versatile
Corporate training and development should be designed based on strategy. When the HR department has a good understanding of what it wants to achieve by
There are many good reasons to create multilingual online courses. Choosing the language that best suits the users is a core component of user experience
Content creation is one of the most crucial – but also one of the most time consuming – parts of teaching, be it online or
Investment in training and upskilling pays itself back – with interests. ROI of online training is generally quite impressive. You have likely heard this claim